Soluções em Gestão Ambientais

Hazardous Waste Collection

Collection, temporary storage, transportation and final disposal of hazardous class I and non-hazardous class II waste

Environmental emergency

Responding to maritime and road environmental emergencies


Specialized cleaning with hydroblasting

Cleaning water tanks

Cleaning and decontamination of reservoirs and water tanks

Waste Collection Vessels

Collection, transportation and final disposal of ship waste

Munck Truck Rental

Munck truck rental, Vacuum suction truck rental, Backhoe loader rental

Preventive Fences

Launch of preventive fences (barrier) for boats

Document disposal

Destruction, de-characterization and disposal of documents

Hospital Waste Collection

Collection, transportation and final disposal of healthcare waste

Stationary Bucket Rental

Stationary skip hire

Maintenance and Repair

Team of professionals for boat maintenance and repair.

Disposal of light bulbs

Collection, transportation and final disposal of light bulbs

Waste Collection Transportation

Collection, transportation and final disposal of construction waste

Specialized Cleaning

Specialized tank and confined space cleaning

Sewer Suction

Cleaning, unclogging and suctioning sewage systems, rainwater systems, cesspools and grease traps

Environmental Management Solutions. Get a quote!

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