A Coleta Ambiental possui uma equipe especializada em atendimento a emergências ambientais marítimas e rodoviárias.
We have a team fully prepared for complex incidents involving dangerous products. In addition, our company has high-performance equipment to handle any type of event with the aim of minimizing environmental impacts.
Ibama) classifies events as follows:
- derramamento de líquidos;
- lançamento de sólidos;
- explosão/incêndio;
- vazamento de gases;
- produtos químicos ou embalagens abandonadas;
- desastre natural;
- mortandade de peixes;
- rompimento e outros.
This type of event requires a lot of technique, responsibility and care for the environment.
Our team is trained, experienced and has in-depth knowledge of identifying the area, the product and the circumstances. Therefore, this type of occurrence requires knowledge and technique in order to attend to it conscientiously, in order to collect and dispose of it properly, minimizing environmental impacts and maintaining the safety of all staff and the site.